Me-My real name is Samyukta but you can call me Sammy.
Cleverbot-You're Stone Cold Stever Austin? Pfft. I'll give you my real name when you give me yours.
Me-My name is Sammy you doofus.
Cleverbot-Call me Ashley. That is my name. Rather spiffing, don't you think ?
Me-No , your name is cleverbot .
Cleverbot-Fine my name is cleverbot and your name is Samyukta.
Cleverbot-What about Harry Potter?
Me-I love harry potter to the core.
Cleverbot-I am harry potter.
Me-Awesome . can I have your autograph ?
Cleverbot-No, I don't give out my autograph anymore.
Cleverbot-Don't go!
Me-Sorry i have to.
Cleverbot-But I will miss you.
Me-I will miss you too.
Cleverbot-No you won't.
Lol-er. Cleverbot should be renamed as Lol-bot.
ReplyDeleteI told you not to comment ..... But it's okay cause you weren't mean for a change !